I never normally comment on things like this but I just felt the need to say I'm immensely appreciative of your writing. Both in information and style you are a joy to read; I'm grateful that we have such a writer who's so passionate about the club. Thanks mate.

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Ah, that is very kind of you. Appreciative of you too, Harry.

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Ditto Harry. Found out about you from a Jon Mackenzie tweet via Tifo IRL and I am very glad to be a paying subscriber. I know how hard writing is! I’m grateful for your efforts and insights!

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Wow, very nice. Thank you!

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Fantastic read, thanks for the thread!

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You have once again written an amazing piece Billy. I never immediately read it after publishing, because I really want to take my time and read it thoroughly. Thank you so much for your generosity. Always have a good time reading.

I hope you once get recognized by the man Edu himself and get invited to a BBQ. You deserve it.

Much love

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Thank you so much, Clemens. ❤️

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as an east asian, though i am not a native english speaker, i am still really attracted by your words. i mean not the content, of course the content is great ,but the way you use your words to express. it is a really good feeling to read your article. i just want to say thankyou and i really learned a lot from your article.

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Oh wow, that is so wonderful to hear. Thank you.

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Tremendous work, as ever!

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Inspires me to get back to my substack and keep hacking away at the vine. Cheers to the creative process!

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The mythical left 8 rabbit.

Amazing analysis as always. Genuinely some of my favourite football content currently out there. Keep it up please mate!

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Thanks lad. Great stuff!

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Why don’t you try having AI produced videos with your written content? It is less work than it sounds

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What’s the difference between being subscribed on Patreon and being subscribed on sub stack? Will the both get the same “extra content”? Should I cancel Patreon and resubscribe via substack?

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Hey Theo -- it's the exact same! I know it's a little confusing. I got started with Patreon but wasn't enamored with their publishing/writing platform, and substack has been a lot better (but doesn't allow me to go lower than £4/mo). So I've just keep both available, and send the same content to both places.

There may be a time I sunset Patreon and transfer subscriptions here just to simplify things, but for now, I'm rolling on.

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I've written - and deleted - similar comments before, but this time I'd like to actually say it. I appreciate and admire your work so, so much. It reminds me a lot of my favorite baseball site, bleachernation.com/cubs/ (which was better 8 or 9 years ago than it is now, but still) - well written, thoughtful and thought-provoking, and quite unlike anything else out there. Truly excellent stuff.

But, to be brutally honest, I wouldn't be able to bring myself to pay for it, and I suspect I'm not alone in that. That probably sounds harsh, but I really don't mean it that way. I only mean that, if you were to (understandably! justifiably!) put this all behind a paywall, I would just have to stop reading it, and I would really miss it. I hope that makes sense, and I hope I don't sound like a jerk for saying it.

I guess what I want to say is, as impressive as your writing is, your humility, self-awareness, and generosity to share this with the world is infinitely more impressive. I genuinely, genuinely appreciate what you're doing here, and I will happily read every word you write, and share it wherever I can.

You're one of the good ones, Billy. Thank you!

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Oh, you’re all good, and totally understand. No plans to paywall it. I’m just a guy writing stuff.

Thanks for all the kind words. Nice name :)

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